We run traffic
on CPA Basis for
worlds finest

In other words - we take over complete advertising work and everything around it on a pure CPA basis where you pay us only for attributed sales.
Pretty simple.

the only advertising partner you need.

Four Winds started as a side gig and grew to 1M ARR in less then a year.

We hold direct contracts with premium partnership status, with most of the T1 platforms including Google, TikTok, Meta, Snapchat and others.

With no-spending-cap status, lines of credit, direct POCs, premium placements and other benefits, we can go really big - really fast.

This gives us HUGE unfair advantage over most of the traditional agencies.

We focus on profits & customer acquisition.

LEarn more
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We will do our research by diving deep into data, suggest the changes and determine CPAs per conversions.
From there everything from offer creation creative production, tracking implementation and campaign management is our work - you only pay for trackable conversions and make sure you have enough product in stocks.

Packaging Desing - Darkstudio X Webflow Template

affiliate army

If the CPA model works, we have our own proprietary tech and relationship with best advertisers in the world.
We can takeover your whole affiliate management, create and test offers, do the matchmaking and hire affiliates and performance partners that are right for your needs and help you go ballistic.

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tracking mastery

If you can't measure it - it doesn't exist. Proper tracking and attribution is a must for any brand that does advertising online and the more channels in your tree - the harder it gets.
Give us access and let us streamline your tracking efforts once and for all.

A simple, yet effective three step process



We do our research, evaluate your channels, economics & adonomics and prepare the CPA plan that firs both sides.



We start preparing the offers, landers, funnels, implement tracking and do the soft testing of the flow.



When all is ready and we are certain everything is dialed in and clicking - we launch and the work starts.


Wanna go big? 
Let's chat.

Get in touch